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Every aspiring writer wants a Pulitzer, or at least a New York Times best-seller. There’s a long and arduous path ahead of those writers, but the process can be made easier if the writer is prepared for what they’ll face. To help with that, Ultimate Vocabulary presents 7 tips for aspiring literary giants.
Write What You Know
One piece advice for every would-be writer is to write what they know about. The mere act itself sets in motion a stream of creativity and helps you discover ideas and plots you wouldn’t otherwise be able to dig up.
Write For The Sake of Writing
Don’t fixate on writing the next best American novel. It won’t happen unless you write, write, and then write some more.
Instead of narrowing your writing output to that one goal, make it your life’s purpose to write about everything you admire, everything you are passionate about, and all the things that frighten and make you sad. Steven Petite of the Huffington Post says:
“By all means, maintain the dream of writing a great novel that will be lauded by literary critics and consumers alike . . . [but] do not let yourself get trapped into a sort of tunnel vision that prevents you from exploring other topics with your writing.”
Know Your Competitors
If you’re a graphic novel writer know who you’re competing against. If you’re a memoir writer, know the key players you want to surpass with your book.
Not only will this help you create a trajectory for your own writing goals but it might well give you a push in the right direction. It might help you discover a topic or subject that hasn’t be talked about yet, instantly giving yourself a competitive advantage.
Calm Down
It’s so easy to end up so immersed in your vision to become a New York Time best-selling author that you lose sight of your mission and stop enjoying the process.
Do be professional and make calm, considerate decisions, but don’t take yourself too seriously.
Know Your Editor
Don’t wait until you finish all your chapters to hire an editor. This should be done at the early stages of your writing process as a good editor will offer you support, direction, and tips on how to get it right the first time.
It’s the Twitter Era, Make Good Use Of It
You really don’t have to wait for critics and consumers to learn what the world thinks of your work. In fact, it is important that you test drive your book by giving bits and pieces away through blog posts. You can even do this through Twitter and other social networks.
Take it out there in the jungle and see what the world has to say in response.
Have A Plan – And Tell Others About It
Writing a book shouldn’t take your whole life. The anticipation, thrill and overwhelming fear of failure shouldn’t stop you dead in your tracks, but motivate you to complete your book!
That of course doesn’t mean finishing your book in one sitting. Take your time. What you should be doing is letting others know of your intention and plan of when to finish your book. Tell your editor, tell your publisher, tell your mom:
“I’m writing a book. I’ll finish it in [choose the time frame you want].” Accountability will motivate and keep you focused on your goal. Finish that darn book.