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3 Important Reasons Why You Should Start Writing A Journal NOW

Categories: Vocabulary for Success, Vocabulary Improvement Tips |

The act of putting thoughts and images that swim around in your head in concrete form (like a diary or journal) has proven benefits for your health, both physical and emotional. We can go as far as to say that journaling can transform your life path, because for many people, that’s true. Do you want to improve your mental health, boost your creativity and become a better person? Then keep reading.

Mental Health & Writing a Journal

If your idea of writing a journal recalls a pre-teen diary that locks with a tiny key, get rid of that notion. While it is often something you use to pour out your feelings and thoughts, just like you talked with your best friend in high school about that awful boy or girl (that you secretly like), it’s more than that.  A journal is also about expressing yourself in a way that’s cathartic for your soul and essential for your mind.

Worries, doubts, challenges and problems in your life can make you stressed. Writing a journal helps release all this negative, soul-eating anxiety. What’s more, writing down a problem or challenge is the first step to solving it. Being able to turn an abstract problem into a tangible thing on paper makes it much easier to solve.

Apart from getting rid of stress and making you feel more in control of your life and where it’s going, a journal can boost your self-esteem. Studies have shown that writing a journal helps people deal with emotional events in their life, anything from from truly traumatic experiences to dealing with social anxiety and other types of stress. “Journaling” is a recognized therapy that can help with this.

Self-Confidence and Self-Improvement

A journal can be a place for a word or phrase you jot down at the end of each day that describes something you’re proud of, grateful for, or just happy to have in your life.

Keeping track of all the positive and pleasant things that happen in your life  increases your self-confidence and makes you more eager to create and grow as a person. You’ll have the ability to inspire or influence the lives of those around you, especially if you use your newly-practiced writing skill sto share your thoughts on your website or blog.

How Journaling Can Improve Your Creativity & Memory

Keeping a journal on a daily basis can help you develop the habit of writing down those thoughts and facts that matter the most.

The fast-paced lives we lead often leave no time and space for us to pause and really think through or reflect on decisions, people and circumstances.

But a journal will help you really see these thoughts from a new perspective. You’ll find that it’s easier to brainstorm new ideas and solve problems you first saw as enormous. That’s because every time you run them through your head, they seem to grow, right?

Putting one idea down will help you come up with many more. Whether you’re an artist or an entrepreneur, whether you write or draw, a journal can help you harness this creativity and channel it to the right task.

Capture your next big idea or find the solution to a persistent problem through a journal. Whether it’s a data dump – where you pour your thoughts on paper without any intervention or censorship – or a brainstorming session – where no matter how insane or ridiculous, the ideas get written down – a journal can be your go-to tool for unleashing your creativity.

Ultimate Vocabulary guarantees to help you increase your vocabulary knowledge! Learn more words and apply them in your writings.