"Give them the gift of words"

Ultimate Vocabulary EDU is the world's most advanced vocabulary learning system for schools. With Ultimate Vocabulary, you have your vocabulary teaching requirements completely under control.

Based on proven principles of cognitive science, Ultimate Vocabulary EDU contains all the features of Ultimate Vocabulary plus:

It's absolutely essential your students graduate with their vocabulary educational requirements met. With Ultimate Vocabulary EDU these vocabulary requirements are more than met. Students also improve academic performance, are prepared for standardized tests, and improve their confidence.

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Spelling Activities To Improve Your Spelling Skills Fast

Spelling is fun.  Really, it is! But if you find spelling practice boring or repetitive, it’s probably because you’re using the wrong activities. Here are some ways to spice up your spelling practice and become a Master Speller in no time.

Word Sorting: Learn Words in Groups

To learn difficult or hard to remember spellings you can practice word sorting.  Word sorting helps you develop phonemic awareness so that you can know how a sound translates into a word.

For instance, phonemic awareness lets you know that the letter A has two pronunciations. Sometimes it’s pronounced with a short vowel sound (as in ‘mat’) and sometimes with a long vowel sound (as in ‘gate’), but in both cases it’s simply written as the letter ‘a.’

Another example is grouping words by their suffixes, or other similar characteristics. You might make up a list with a group of words ending in the letters –cious. You could also choose to learn a list of words where the letter K is silent, as in ‘knight’ and ‘knee.’

When you truly understand spelling patterns, you will be able to apply these when spelling unknown words. One such spelling pattern could be the soft and hard G.

The letter G is pronounced “hard” in words such as gate, gap, goat and grow but “soft” in words such as gym and giraffe.

You can learn this sound-letter pattern with this rule:

When followed by A, O, or U, the G is pronounced with a “hard” sound.

When G is followed by I or E or Y, then the sound is “soft.”  

Knowing these letter patterns helps you correctly guess the spelling of an unknown word when you hear it pronounced out loud. You will be able to decipher that the correct spelling of ‘gymnastics’ is with a G and not a J, because you’ll recognize the pattern and remember the rule.

This technique of word sorting can be applied to a number of spelling activities. You can learn spelling with groups of words like these:

1) Learning words ending in –at and –an, as in the case of ‘pat’ and ‘pan’

2) Words with a silent E such as ‘cake’, ‘love’, ‘dove’ and ‘jove’

3) Learning words with diphthongs, such as ‘oy’ and ‘ow’

4) Learning the difference between the long and short A sounds in words like ‘hat’ and ‘safe’

Spelling patterns help you make generalized rules on how spelling works. Implementing these rules, once you know them, helps you arrive at the correct spelling of new words.

Once your phonological awareness is expanded through this technique, you can start practicing with games and spelling activities to consolidate that knowledge.

Spelling Knowledge Consolidation: Spelling 24/7

In order for you to truly master spelling you need to practice in a consistent yet fun manner. In fact, you can incorporate spelling practice in almost everything you do! Here are some ways to do it:

Gather together newspaper clips or online content and look for spelling words you’ve learned in the previous week or two. Seeing words in context helps you form a mental image of the correctly-spelled word.

Create a story based on the words you’ve just learned, or use them to practice the one you learned a while back. Collect 5 to 10 words and create a short narrative with them.  The more creative and funny the story, the more enjoyable this will be.

Shrink your spelling “black list” by studying your frequently misspelled words using a technique called “spelling stairs.” In this process, you start with the first letter, then add a single letter at a time until you form your word, like this:







Play online spelling games and take advantage of the hundreds of spelling games that are variations of classic word games and spelling activities, like Scramble and Hangman. When you’re having fun, you’ll enjoy the practice, and you’ll spend more time at it.

Mnemonics: The Expert’s Technique

Invent mnemonics for tough words to help you remember them. Sometimes, no matter how much you study a word you always seem to get it wrong, and mnemonic techniques can help. For example, say you always misspell the word ‘dilemma.’ Create a mnemonic for it that helps you remember the correct spelling, like this one:

Emma faced a dilemma.

Here’s another example: you can memorize the sentence “Goofy George always exaggerates” to remember to spell ‘exaggerate’ with a double G.

Follow Ultimate Spelling on Facebook, Twitter and Googe+ for more tips and advice.

Check out eReflect’s Profile on Wikipedia, Youtube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Crunchbase and Training Industry as well!

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Words That Are Their Own Opposites

What would you say if I told you that go means both proceed and stop? You’d probably think I’ve lost my mind. Then you’d probably go tell everyone you’ve met a weird person.

The English language is so wonderfully chaotic that its actually beautiful. After all, what other language contains so many words that mean two entirely different things?

English is trolling itself – and boy, is it fun to watch.


This word didn’t initially mean what it does now. We used to call things that induced terror and fear ‘terrific’.

Today, ‘terrific’ – just like ‘awesome’ which used to mean inspiring fear and awe – has lost its majesty and has become an exaggerated intensifier.

We use ‘terrific’ daily to refer to both trivial and uneventful activities and events. (So when your boss tells you, “You’ve done a terrific job!” you might want to think about whether he’s messing with you.)


Apart from its most popular meaning, which is to express one’s regret for doing or saying something bad, apology has another meaning.

It also refers to the defense of oneself against others’ accusations. So to give an apology can go two ways: the modest one where you acknowledge your failure or mistake, or the one in which you defend your integrity.

First Degree

There are two ways to use this phrase. If you say, ‘I’m lucky I only got a first degree burn,”  that’s a good thing. The redness and irritation is superficial and you will heal soon. But if someone is charged with a first degree murder, things won’t be going very well in the near future for them.

A first degree burn is minor, a first degree murder is a premeditated homicide.


You might have a reservation for the finest new Chinese restaurant in town, or have your reservations about whether the wait will be too long if you just walk in.

Reservation can either mean making a commitment to a task, or expressing your hesitation or reluctance over something or someone.


Here’s another word like ‘terrific’ to add to your list.  We call things or events ‘tremendous’ and ‘tremendously good’ to signify just how positive or super they are. However, just like ‘terrific’, tremendous’ used to mean terrifying and fearful.


In Shakespeare’s time if someone referred to you as ‘smart’ they were explaining how much pain you cause them.

In Old English, smart described things that caused people pain, like a weapon or a nail. It was gradually imbued with subtly similar connotations like sharpness and quickness, Mental Floss’ Arika Okrent explains, only to end up being a synonym for someone that’s fashionable and witty.


This word means either to put something on top of something else, or to remove the top of something. Confused? Here are two usage examples:

She topped the tree to boost its growth.

Marvel’s new superhero movie topped the box office rankings.


Once upon a time, facetious meant having grace and elegance. A facetious person was someone witty, humorous or amusing. While it is still used to refer to such people, it’s most predominant meaning is now a negative one.

Today, a facetious person is someone who’s being humorous in an annoying or trivial manner.


Amusingly enough (or maybe not, depending on where you stand on words having the same definition as their opposites) variety can mean an assortment of different things – as well as one thing only. Let me explain with an example:

Our organic chocolate store has a variety of sugar-free chocolates, but only one variety is made with stevia.


A few years ago if someone characterized you as ‘egregious’ they extolled your virtues. Today, if someone thinks you’re egregious they’re emphasizing just how extraordinarily shocking, outrageous, or disgusting your actions are in one way or another.


Cull means either to select the best out of a set or to take out the inferior or bad ones. For example, you cull the best works of an author for an anthology you plan to publish. But you also cull the bad apples from the harvest, and throw them away.


When a flower secretes aromas, pleasant smells fill the air; these aromas manifest themselves. But when a treasure is secreted then it is hidden or concealed.

When you think about it, English is a very convenient language – you get two meanings for each of these words. A language bargain!

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Ultimate Vocabulary guarantees to help you increase your vocabulary knowledge! Learn more words and apply them in your writings.

Which Languages Do These Words Come From ?

The English language is a fine example of a linguistic melting pot. It is a kaleidoscope of cultures, languages, and histories that came together to form one multicolored discourse. This coming together has contributed to making English the lingua franca of our times.

English has borrowed many words from countries across the world. You might be surprised to discover that words you use daily are not as “English” as they sound.

Old Norse words

Anger, birth, cake, drag, get, kid, leg, root, same, trust, take, wrong, window and wise all come from Old Norse, the language Vikings were speaking when they came and settled in England around 793 AD.

Old Norse brought into the English language several words related to war and violence. Slaughter, scathe and club, for instance, all came from the war-loving Vikings.

Words such as husband, sale, and law seem as English as they get but they are from Old Norse also.

In fact, Old Norse is a basic root of modern English. English would resemble German and Dutch today if it weren’t for the Norman invasion to the British Isles in 1066. Which brings us to the next group of words borrowed from the French.

Oh mon Dieu! The French are coming!

About 50 percent of English words are from French or Latin. Words we’re using everyday like bacon, button, comfort, crime, marriage, salary, search, uncle, and tax are all French in origin.

Your ‘honor’ is French and so is your ‘joy.’

In your French ‘leisure’ time when you ‘question’ the ‘reason’ ‘bacon’ is so darn good, you’re using concepts and words that are French!

Latin. Not as dead a language as we think

While many French words are themselves derived from Latin, the English language has a rather distinct set of culture-based borrowed words. This rather long list includes words such as crisis, dictator, diploma, doctor, echo, ego, exterior, investigate, labor, senior, junior, prospect, and virus.

Greek loan words in the English language

The Greek language has offered words that allow us to speak about and understand government, conceptual/philosophical topics, and subjects related to drama and medicine.

Words like biography, anatomy, architecture, grammar, and hygiene are words the English have borrowed from Greek origins.

English words with Italian roots

Italy and its appealing culture have given the English a piece of that culture with words such as balcony, carpet, dilettante, magazine, qnd piano.The arts of music, food and culture in general have pushed many Italian words in the English dictionary and everyday discourse.

Words borrowed from Japanese, German, Chinese, Arabic and Russian

Apart from the big influencers, there are other language and cultures that contributed words to make the English language even more diverse and multicultural.

For example, admiral, henna, jar, coffee and lemon are commonly used English words with Arabic origins. The Germans have given us aspirin, glitz, and waltz while the Chinese have made English even more multicolored with Zen, typhoon, wok, and kumquat.

The Russian language has enriched the English language with kefir, cosmonaut and babushka. Words such as bonsai, haiku, kimono and akita are from Japanese.

Perhaps next time you say you can speak English, you could even go as far as argue that you speak a number of other languages — thanks to English!

Easy-To-Use Development Software For Career Prospects

There’s so much talk these days about the best ways to advance career prospects and what the best course of action to take is that it’s easy to get lost in the sea of advice. eReflect, dedicated to providing self-development software, also supports people in their efforts to sharpen their skills and acquire new ones. The company knows that by doing so, people have a better chance at succeeding in today’s cut-throat job market.

Among the many skills people are expected to master by the time they professionally enter the job market, eReflect finds that vocabulary, spelling, and touch typing are in most employers’ “Top Ten” lists when it comes to skills that catch their eye in the hiring process. This is not solely eReflect’s opinion, but something that has been established as a given in the 21st century socioeconomic landscape.

eReflect has been witnessing a steady growth since it was established back in 2006 with its first and most successful self-improvement software, Ultimate Vocabulary™. Today, 10 years later, eReflect serves customers from over 110 countries, helping young people and adults master essential 21st century skills for better career prospects and more fulfilling lives. eReflect is now a leader in the self-development software niche.

Building an armor of words – Ultimate Vocabulary™

People often fail to appreciate the importance of a rich vocabulary in the workplace. They believe that skills like assertiveness and confidence are the only traits they need to stay ahead of the game. But the truth is, without basic skills such as an extended, up to date, and relevant vocabulary it’s easy to lose the competitive edge against candidates and colleagues with more eloquence.

Ultimate Vocabulary™ helps you build a strong vocabulary that makes others notice you. A vocabulary that has a positive impact on people instantly increases and enhances your career prospects and your promotion potential.

People’s first impression of you is largely based on your word choice, so by making those first words count, you’re getting a head start, leaving others lagging behind with clichés and gobbledygook while you speak with intention, accuracy and large-scale impact.

Here are some of the main benefits of a rich, robust vocabulary can bring to your career prospects:

– You’ll have top-notch communication skills, both face-to-face and in email, video conferencing and more.

– Your communication skills will give you credibility, authority and respect. Having other people respect and admire you gives you the competitive advantage over less assertive colleagues.

– Your authority and the respect you get from others means that you’ll always stand out from the crowd.

Do you ever wonder why inspiring speakers are often called charismatic? They have the ability and talent to persuade and move others with their mere choice of words. By building your vocabulary you are effectively gathering a strong arsenal you can draw upon in the right circumstances to bring forth the right effect.

These are but a few reasons why you should consider improving your vocabulary with a program designed according to scientific evidence on lexical capacity and acquisition and with integrated technologies to accelerate learning without minimizing effectiveness and overall knowledge retention.

When vocabulary just doesn’t cut it – Ultimate Spelling™

Building a strong vocabulary is not always enough. Without orthography skills, people you are communicating with electronically will be distracted by your misspellings and cringe each time you spell simple words wrong, such as mixing up “you’re” and “your.” While these errors can be sometimes overlooked, your communication will suffer from a lack of accuracy and understanding when you have problems with more difficult words like “affect” vs. “effect” or the easily-confused word pair “principle” and “principal.”

eReflect has created a software product that helps children and adults learn spelling in a way that’s not boring and tedious but time-efficient and fun. Through a series of handpicked and well-designed spelling activities and games a learner can gradually improve their spelling skills and become a person that can write professionally and without any mistakes.

While spelling is not the be-all and end-all of a job search, a resume marred by misspellings and typos (more on that later) is bound to land your application in the “not worth bothering with” pile.

If you’re wondering why spelling is so important — or if you think it’s not important at all — let us convince you otherwise.

Spelling and vocabulary are interconnected. If you know the meaning of one word but cannot spell it, you don’t really know it.

To completely know a word you must be able to use it equally well both in conversation and in written communication. Good spelling is invisible, in a way: nobody notices your spelling skills unless you don’t have them.

So what does it mean to have great spelling skills?


You’re equipped with an indispensable skill for college and for job hunting later on. Employees assume the people they hire have mastered such basic skills. You’d be surprised, however, at the number of spelling errors found in official reports and other corporate publications.

Spelling is, in a sense, the key to a company’s quality. If your brand has certain qualities you need to emphasize, don’t sabotage those with misspellings.


Spelling ascribes credibility and leadership to your writing and, by extension, you. People won’t take you seriously if you cannot write an error-free report or email.

Good spelling skills infuse your professional image with positive traits: credibility, trustworthiness, authority, professionalism — the list is endless.

Why use Ultimate Spelling™ though?

Ultimate Spelling™ has been designed with effectiveness in mind. It’s free of those factors that sabotage learning, like uninspiring, tedious activities. It abandons useless passive learning techniques, and instead is equipped with star-studded features and practice material.

With Ultimate Spelling you can improve your orthography through interactive games and  intuitive tools like a word explorer, and use cutting-edge technologies for progress monitoring to achieve better results.

What makes Ultimate Spelling™ different from anything else is the level of personalization it lends itself to. The software can be as appealing to a 4-year-old as it is to a 44-year old wishing to spruce up their spelling skills.

Who doesn’t like learning through play?

Click, Clack, Click-Click, Clack

That’s the sound of you touch typing. Ever wonder how often you touch type on your keyboard?

An increasing number of people are using mobile touch-screen devices for all of their personal and work-related tasks: emailing, shopping, chatting, international meetings, and even legal negotiations.

In fact, in 2016 it is expected that over 3.5 million mobile devices will be purchased and used. Our growing dependence on mobile, Internet-enabled devices means we need to become efficient users. One basic skill that helps with this is touch typing – the ability to type not only quickly, but accurately too.

Technology and research companies predict that it won’t be long before mobile devices outnumber people. At this point, it is forecast that in 2014 there will be more than 7.3 billion active cell phones on the planet. Tablets, PCs, and smartphones are proliferating at an accelerated rate as well.

So why stay behind with a peck and hunt typing method when you can type at a professional level at more than 80 words per minute?

eReflect comes to the rescue once more.

Typesy™  uses the latest technology to help you improve your typing skills through video tutorials that are easy to follow and intuitive. It’s like having a personal tutor at your service.

Wondering what the perks of touch typing mastery are?

– You’ll save up to 47 hours a month. That’s a big deal. Depending on the amount of touch typing you do each day, you can save literally two days a month just by typing faster and more accurately!

– You’ll avoid common computer-related health issues. Touch typing is not only about typing super fast and error-free, it’s about sustainable and healthy typing habits. Typesy™ teaches you ergonomic techniques so that you can spare yourself from painful, irritating problems like carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI.

The world is taking large strides towards an overwhelmingly tech-driven society. Skills like touch typing and proper spelling are indispensable, especially in the fiercely competitive job market young people are getting in today, where the jobs are scarce and the requirements are numerous.

Build your vocabulary and improve your spelling skills; achieve a new touch typing word-per-minute record, and see your career prospects catapult to unimaginable new levels!

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Ultimate Vocabulary guarantees to help you increase your vocabulary knowledge! Learn more words and apply them in your writings.

Compliment vs Complement: Know The Difference Now

Compliment vs Complement: Know The Difference Now

Ultimate Vocabulary EDU Wants You To Have The Power of Words!

Learning vocabulary is tricky. Teaching vocabulary is also tricky; it’s an open-ended process that’s often laden with setbacks. You try new practices only to realize they perplex your kids rather than support them in learning new vocabulary faster.

New technologies can be the answer, but sometimes they seem a tad intimidating at first. They often appear too complex to set up, much less use. Busy parents don’t need a program that requires you to learn to program software before you even start the first vocabulary lesson.

eReflect’s professional software design team perfectly understands the concerns that homeschooling parents are faced with, and have developed a user-friendly, fun program for learning new vocabulary at home: Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU.

The program is unique in its curriculum-compatible approach to vocabulary building. What this means for you is that no matter in which English-speaking country you and your family live, the software can be tailored to that region’s curriculum so that you can rest assure your children are learning what they’re supposed to. This is particularly useful for homeschooling parents who need to comply with specific state or school district requirements.

Cloud Based

The EDU release of Ultimate Vocabulary™ is on the cloud. This means that:

– Access is available anywhere, anytime. Going for a 4-day trip to another state? No worries. You can access your accounts from any internet-enabled device and practice vocabulary while on the go! It offers you the ease and simplicity of instant access and instant syncing across devices for smooth, uninterrupted practice day in and day out.

– No installation is required, and you don’t need to download the software on your computers and laptops. It’s all accessible via the cloud.

– Upgrades are handled automatically by the eReflect support team, directly on the cloud, ensuring seamless and uninterrupted practice for you and your children.

A 142,647 word database

Enough said. This is a dictionary-sized database. You can offer your children the opportunity to expand their vocabulary to a greater extent than ever before. This essential skill with words will help them become:

– Better communicators, both writing and speaking

– Knowledgeable, reliable individuals who inspire confidence and respect

– Ahead of the curve when taking high-stakes exams like the SAT and the GRE

– Creative and original thinkers able to express themselves with clarity and precision

What’s equally important for many homeschooling parents with younger children is the fact that vocabulary building with Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU is fun. The activities, lessons, and games are all designed by language experts so that they optimize the learning experience and ensure the user is engaged, motivated and focused throughout.

Social Media Integration

Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU is integrated with Facebook. This is an easy way for your children to share their success with friends and family on the popular social network.

After successfully completing any practice session, the user is prompted to share this success on Facebook. By doing so, your kids will feel the satisfaction of having their hard work acknowledged by others, something that motivates them to try even harder so that they can again share their success on the social network.

Recognition of hard work is a fundamental aspect of success, and the work of vocabulary building is no different. So why not offer children the pleasure of sharing their success with their peers?

Fun Learning

Hundreds of lessons, addictive vocabulary games – both new and classic ones – all offer your children a wide spectrum of learning options.

Learning is comprehensive with this cutting-edge software, but best of all, it’s fun. What’s noteworthy about Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU is how much work has been put into developing a learning environment that’s easy to use and at the same time appealing to users of all ages. Children and adults alike will be eager to try out the various games and activities because everything about the software is so efficiently designed and put together.

Science-driven Learning

But it’s not just fun. The program’s approach to vocabulary building is informed by years of research. Using the latest insights from scientific studies, Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU promotes learning through an approach known as “depth of processing.” In other words, the user is immersed in a wealth of information for any given word to ensure they master it completely, not superficially. From definitions to real-life usage examples, etymology to spelling, the user masters one word after the other in the most comprehensive manner possible.


Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU offers a winning combination of science-driven learning and lesson customization. Not two children are the same, so why should their practice sessions be?

Each student can tailor their learning according to their goals, capacity, and needs. If something is too challenging, it can be overwhelming for a student – on the other hand, something that’s too easy can make them feel bored and uninspired to practice further. eReflect strikes a balance by offering practice personalization.

Ease of Use

eReflect has taken ease of use a step further. The user can navigate the software’s environment confidently as soon as they first log in.. Everything is intuitively designed and placed to ensure that the user is confident and comfortable with the interface.

Progress Tracking and Reporting

Ultimate Vocabulary™ EDU comes with powerful reporting. You and your child will be able to review their personal progress and analyze their strengths and possible weaknesses through easy-to-understand chart data.

Your child’s progress is tracked automatically by the system, every time they practice. You’ll get powerful insights to help you make data-driven decisions as to how to optimize their vocabulary building even further.

eReflect just gets it.

Don’t make homeschooling any harder than it already is – not when there are solutions you can use to make learning a million times more fun and efficient.

Carrying The Future: How These California Moms Are Helping Syrian Parents

LJ Earnest Provide Insights On Productivity – How It Changes Over Time and More!

LJ Earnest

Here’s something to think about: are the things that we all thought would make us more efficient actually slowing us down? We believe the advertisements that promise we’ll be always connected and always up to date. We’re constantly downloading the latest in productivity apps. But when it comes right down to it, are we really saving time? You might be surprised at how much of your day – not to mention your mental energy – is devoted to “enjoying” the benefits of modern technology. Someone who has focused all her mental energy on the best ways to cope with the 21st century is LJ Earnest. She’s got the tips you need on her website, Whole Life Productivity, and answers to our questions in a recent interview, below.

UV: This past summer you decided to go from “simple” to “whole life” productivity. What change in your approach and outlook led to this expanded website?

It really came from a recognition that too much of productivity is focused on the work life, and most people with their busy schedules need it in their personal lives as well. Work is now creeping into our personal time due to cell phones, virtual offices, and never really be “away” from work. With that onslaught of work, we have to have a way to manage life as a whole. Work no longer stops at the employer’s door – neither should our productivity system.

The decision also came because I realized that it is also no longer just about simplifying overly-complicated productivity systems or even simplifying your life to be more productive. I believe the time has come to acknowledge that we need a better way to deal with everything that comes at us.

UV: You’ve spent your professional life in the fields of information technology, software development, and math. Do you take an analytical approach to questions about productivity?

Absolutely. If something in a productivity system doesn’t produce results, there is no reason to continue doing it. This is true in every area of life.

We may believe that what we are doing produces results. It is only when you look at the quantitative data that you see the true results, and can judge whether or not something is working.

As an example, most productivity systems focus on time management. If the time you are spending managing the system is more than it takes you to do the task, this is not efficient, and the approach should be re-thought.

Likewise, we often add things to processes as “nice to haves” but really don’t add value to what we are doing. For example, we may be using a planner that has us figure out how long we spent on various tasks throughout the day. It seems like a good idea on the surface…you can see exactly how long you are spending in meetings every week/month/year. However, if you never look at that data again, there is no point in tracking it. You are expending efforts tracking something that is not ever going to be used. It would be better to leave that column blank and save the time.

UV: Most people tend to associate productivity with things that save time, such as the way being able to touch type shaves minutes off of every keyboarding task. Does it really boil down to time management (or micromanagement), or is there something else that’s fundamental to increased productivity?

Productivity is doing the effective things in the most efficient manner. So time management plays into it from the standpoint that to be efficient you can’t be wasting time. However, being efficient has more aspects to it than pure tricks, including minimizing time switching between tasks, and batching like items together. For instance, it makes more sense to run all your errands in one trip than to return home in between each one.

The second part of the productivity equation – effectiveness – is more subtle: we have to make sure we are doing the right things. This isn’t time management at all, but rather knowing what tasks are essential and what are not. There are no shortcuts for this, because it is not a concrete task. You can learn how to track everything that is going on, though, so you can make those effective decisions quickly and correctly.

UV: What are the “productivity forms” you offer to your newsletter subscribers?

I find that for me personally, if a tool is boring, I have an automatic resistance to using it. So I have created forms that are used for planning tasks that are fun. Each month features a different theme. The set includes a prioritized task/commitment list, numbered and checked task lists, and a notes page. These can be printed and put into booklets or into pre-existing planners. These forms are the same ones I use when I am figuring out what I need to do during a given day.

I realize this might not be enough planning forms for some people. So this year I have expanded the offering…I am also offering matching undated calendars and day planners. These are available in the shop on the blog.

UV: You emphasize that there are two areas where productivity matters: at the workplace, and away from the workplace. Why is it important to focus on both? Do you have to focus on them at the same time?

I believe that there are a lot of skills that we use at the workplace that could make things easier at home, and vice versa. If we have a top of the line filing system at work, and get home and spend hours looking for a document we need, that says to me that we have an opportunity to improve. Just because it is at home doesn’t mean we can’t leverage our work knowledge of processes and systems to make our obligations easier.

I think we have to be aware of what skills we have and use them when they are applicable, rather than just taking the same approach we have always done. This calls for an awareness of what we know, and the ability to abstract it so it is useful in other areas of life. It’s not really a matter of focus, but rather awareness.

Our skills and knowledge should be abstracted so that we can use them both at home and work. We can use our knowledge of SOP (standard operating procedures) at work to build some basic ones for home for tasks that don’t get done very often, but ones that we find ourselves researching every time we do them. We can use our home-based skills at work as well. We can use the skills we learned in planning and executing a birthday for 30 preschoolers to start a monthly potluck at work to boost morale.

Ultimate Vocabulary guarantees to help you increase your vocabulary knowledge! Learn more words and apply them in your writings.

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Cultural Unity Shown in 7-Minute #HipHopIsHipHop Music Video

Hip hop is for everyone, no language barrier – the same love!

How To Improve Your Spelling Skills Teacher-Free

While a teacher or tutor can offer you valuable support when learning spelling, you don’t actually need one to perfect your orthography skills. There are plenty of activities you can practice on your own and improve your spelling efficiency, starting now.

Let’s do a short quiz to start out with. In the comments section below, let us know which words are misspelled. If you’re a good speller, give us the correct spelling, too!








What You Can Do To Improve Your Spelling Level Today

Online Spelling Games

Spelling doesn’t have to be a bore. You can improve your spelling with fun games and interesting activities. There are several free online games you can play that help you perfect your ability to spell even the hardest words.

Fun Brain offers its own spelling game online, in which you need to mark the misspelled word and provide the correct orthography for it.

Try the interactive YouTube spelling game or play the addictive (but oh so efficient) Spelling Bee game by Visual Thesaurus. In this multimedia game, you’ll first hear the word being pronounced, and then get a chance to spell it in the space provided.

Ultimate Spelling is another tool for practicing your spelling. Create your very own spelling list and focus on getting those words right. This is ideal for practicing words that you constantly misspell.

Once you create your spelling list you can play various activities with it, listen to the audio pronunciation and type the word out, figure out its spelling with one or two letters missing, or remove an incorrect extra letter to get the right spelling. Here’s an example list using the names of parts of the body.

Mobile Apps

If you’re into apps, you can try Brilliant Spelling, a free app that offers you activities such as an interactive tutor pronouncing words. It also provides customizability by letting you enter your own word list for practice.

A top rated spelling app that’s free to download is Skill Builder Spelling which is available for Android smartphones and tablets. Spelling Bee is another Android app with over 2,300 words available to learn.

Spoiler Alert! Watch out for the Ultimate Spelling™ OS / Android App SOON.

Ultimate Spelling™ Web Application

For a more rigorous and science-driven spelling practice try Ultimate Spelling™, a cloud-based software that offers you hundreds of lessons, games, and fun activities to improve your spelling.

Not only do you get expert-designed activities but you also benefit from progress tracking, goal setting, and social media sharing features.

What’s more, you can use it on any device that’s Internet enabled so you can practice whenever and wherever you go.

Get a Spelling Buddy

You can play Scramble to your heart’s content online, but nothing can improve your spelling more quickly than a spelling buddy.

Not only will you hold each other accountable for your progress and motivate each other to try harder, but you will also find it more enjoyable and interactive to practice together.

Whether it’s the old classic Scramble or coming up with fun mnemonics for difficult to spell words, a buddy will help you achieve your spelling skill goals faster and in a way that feels more like play rather than boring learning.

Remember that spelling doesn’t have to do with talent or some innate ability. It’s all a matter of practice. You can be a spelling bee champion if you put enough effort in to it!

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