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Dazzle Your Listeners With Witty Words

Categories: GRE Vocabulary, SAT Vocabulary, Vocabulary Building Words, Vocabulary for Success, Vocabulary Improvement Tips |

Those wits that think they have thee, do very oft prove fools; and I, that am sure I lack thee, may pass for a wise man; for what says Quinapalus? “Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.” – William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

When you think of the words wit and witty, you probably think of humor, jokes, and the ability to respond quickly and pointedly to remarks. Someone with a quick wit is usually very entertaining, and often the center of any gathering. People enjoy listening to someone who can tell funny stories or generally be an amusing conversationalist. But the word wit originally meant “wise, knowledgeable, full of learning” and the Old English verb witan translates as “to know.” A person with a good wit was looked up to as being intelligent and learned, and their company was sought not for amusement but for knowledge. Whether you want to be the center of attention for your clever conversation or for your wisdom, a good vocabulary is the best way to ensure that you’re known for your wit, whichever definition you’re using. Being able to draw on the resources of an expansive vocabulary means that you’ll never be at a loss for words – and your conversation is one of the main ways that other people judge and evaluate you.

Appearance blinds, whereas words reveal. – Oscar Wilde

Humor is a great way to form connections between yourself and other people. You can also use humor to help you communicate, whether you’re meeting someone new or giving a presentation. If you’re able to use witty phrasing to emphasize a point or lead someone to a conclusion, they’ll be more likely to agree with you and to remember your words later. The more words you know, the easier it will be for you to choose exactly the right ones to use in any situation and with any audience. To help you reach that goal, here are a few wit-related words for you to add to your conversational repertoire:

badinage (bah-dih-NAZH)
Conversation that is light in nature, often teasing, and not on serious topics.

repartee (reh-par-TAY)
A quick back-and-forth conversation of sharp and/or clever remarks, usually good-natured.

witticism (WIH-tih-sih-zum)
A joke or remark that relies on well-chosen words for its humor or to make a point.

bon mot (bohn MOH)
Literally “good word” in French, this is a quip or humorous phrase showing off one’s skill with words.

There’s a hell of a distance between wise-cracking and wit. Wit has truth in it; wise-cracking is simply calisthenics with words. – Dorothy Parker