"Give them the gift of words"
Ultimate Vocabulary EDU is the world's most advanced vocabulary learning system for schools. With Ultimate Vocabulary, you have your vocabulary teaching requirements completely under control.
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It's absolutely essential your students graduate with their vocabulary educational requirements met. With Ultimate Vocabulary EDU these vocabulary requirements are more than met. Students also improve academic performance, are prepared for standardized tests, and improve their confidence.
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While no one knows exactly what the future holds, things you do today will determine the outcomes of tomorrow. That’s true for vocabulary study in particular. By developing good habits, you’ll increase your chances for rapid and long-lasting vocabulary improvement, and get the results you need and the success you deserve at work and in your social life. In fact, if you follow the easy but effective techniques we discuss every week on The Vocabulary Builder’s Blog, our prognosis is that you’ll soon have a vocabulary that’s the envy of everyone around.
If you study the origins of a word you’ll get the most out of each vocabulary word you learn. A word’s origins (its etymology) give you clues to a word’s meaning, its use, and related words that you can also add to your mental list. For example, the word prognosis comes from the Greek root words meaning “before, in front of” (pro) and “to know” (gignoskein). A prognosis is a knowledge of the course of future events before they happen. It’s often used in the medical field to predict the outcome of a disease.
When you look up synonyms and antonyms to a word, you’ll double, triple, even quadruple the number of words you learn at one time. Learning associated words not only gives you a larger vocabulary, it helps you remember the words by remembering their associations, or links. Those links between words translate to links in your memory, making each and every word easier to recall and use. Synonyms for prognosis include prediction, prophecy, and forecast.
Get the most out of every word when you learn related parts of speech. Once you know a base word, you can easily learn its other uses. When you’ve learned that the definition of the noun prognosis is “knowledge of future events” then it’s obvious that a prognosticator is someone who has that knowledge and makes predictions, that they’re prognosticating when they do so, and that those predictions can be referred to as prognostications. One word magically turns into four, and rather than a single noun, you’ve now added three to your vocabulary, as well as a verb.
Increase your chances for success by studying all aspects of a word when you learn it!